
Hugo Canonical

A canonical URL is the URL of the best representative page from a group of duplicate pages, according to Google. For example, if you have two URLs for the same page (such as and, Google chooses one as canonical. Similarly, if you have multiple pages that are nearly identical, Google can group them together (for example, pages that differ only by the sorting or filtering of the contents, such as by price or item color) and choose one as canonical.

Hugo Table

How to add a Table to Hugo Create Table Shortcode cat <<'EOF'> layouts/shortcodes/table.html {{ $htmlTable := .Inner | markdownify }} {{ $class := .Get 0 }} {{ $old := "<table>" }} {{ $new := printf "<table class=\"%s\">" $class }} {{ $htmlTable := replace $htmlTable $old $new }} {{ $htmlTable | safeHTML }} </table> EOF Build Table add this to your Markdown File … | a | b | c | | - | - | - | | bli | bla | blu | | green | blue | red | Result a b c bli bla blu green blue red Align Left | a | b | c | | :- | :- | :- | | bli | bla | blu | | green | blue | red | Result a b c bli bla blu green blue red Align Right | a | b | c | | -: | -: | -: | | bli | bla | blu | | green | blue | red | Result a b c bli bla blu green blue red Any Comments ?

Docker - Traefik - HugoBlog

Intro as i’m playing with traefik & docker, why not duplicate this blog in container ? for fun and profit ? let’s give at try … pre-condition you have traefik running and a wildcard certificate for a domain. see the previous posts … docker compose cat << 'EOF' > docker-compose.yml version: '3' services: hugo: image: jakejarvis/hugo-extended:latest ports: - 1313:1313 volumes: - ./src:/src command: server --buildDrafts --buildFuture --bind restart: always networks: - traefik labels: - "traefik.

Hugo - Start

GoHugo from Scratch Take a fresh VM with OpenBSD ;) otherwise, you have to adapt appropriate … install pkg Login as User which is part of the “wheel group”. Doas should allow all Users of the Wheel Group to get root. doas pkg_add hugo-- nginx-- adduser webmaster create a user “webmaster” and prepare virtual directories doas adduser webmaster doas mkdir /var/www/virtual doas chown webmaster /var/www/virtual/ Update Nginx we need to modify nginx, prepare a site folder and a basic config for the webserver.

Hugo Copy Button

I like Websites with the Copy Button for certain Snippets. Why not integrate into the own Blog ? Folder, Copy JS Stuff Change to Hugo Root Folder mkdir -p static/js/ cat << 'EOF' > static/js/copy-code.js (function() { 'use strict'; if(!document.queryCommandSupported('copy')) { return; } function flashCopyMessage(el, msg) { el.textContent = msg; setTimeout(function() { el.textContent = "Copy"; }, 1000); } function selectText(node) { var selection = window.getSelection(); var range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(node); selection.


just trying a new feature for leaving comments … it’s selfhosted, done with isso and quite painfull to install :( some people may like to provide feedback, ask questions, … Any Comments ? sha256: fed502f0a96744470fa42b910138efed8d462ce13a2f5329c61ad23fc133281e

Hugo Forms PHP

Wanna add some simple forms and process the Content with PHP ? Add RawHTML Template if not yet done mkdir layouts/shortcodes/ cat << 'EOF' > layouts/shortcodes/rawhtml.html <!-- raw html --> {{.Inner}} EOF Create Script cat << 'EOF' > static/welcome.php <html> <body> Welcome <?php echo $_POST["name"]; ?><br> Your email address is: <?php echo $_POST["email"]; ?> </body> </html> EOF Create new Post and add rawhtml without " " between { and {

HugoIO Templates

Custom Template Stuff mkdir -p layouts/shortcodes cat << 'EOF' > layouts/shortcodes/date.html {{ now.Format "2006-01-02 03:04:05" }} EOF Insert Code in Template current date ? { {< date >} } Result ? current date ?? 2024-07-23 10:00:11 Add RawHTML Create Template cat << 'EOF' > layouts/shortcodes/rawhtml.html <!-- raw html --> {{.Inner}} EOF Add Code { {< rawhtml >} } <p class="speshal-fancy-custom"> This is <strong>raw HTML</strong>, inside Markdown. </p> { {< /rawhtml >} } Result ?


how to update hugo you can use ports (pkg_add hugo) and get the lastest stable hugo package based on OpenBSD release cycles (2 x year), or grab the latest binary from github and put it on your machine. Releases: cd /tmp ftp tar xfz hugo_0.62.0_OpenBSD-64bit.tar.gz doas mv hugo /usr/local/bin/ or find latest automatically doas su - cd /tmp/ u=$(lynx -dump -listonly |grep "OpenBSD-64bit" |sed 's/.*https/https/') f=$(echo $u |sed 's/.