
Benchmark API’s i like to work with fastapi. “FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python based on standard Python type hints.”. i also know that scripting languages like python are ways slower than compiled languages like c, c++, rust, … why not build a little “hello world” api, running it on localhost, and then do a benchmark … Rust let’s start with rust. Code src/main.

Fastapi Project Template

Project Template for FastAPI gave a try with a FastAPI Template, https://github.com/rochacbruno/fastapi-project-template.git Projectname: gugus1234 clone the repo git clone https://github.com/rochacbruno/fastapi-project-template.git gugus1234 cd gugus1234 Switch Poetry i’d like to have poetry as virtual env manager make switch-to-poetry Rename some Stuff had to rename some string in pyproject and different files … mv project_name gugug1234 gsed -i 's/a-flask-test/gugus1234/' pyproject.toml gsed -i 's/project_name/gugus1234/' pyproject.toml gsed -i 's/project_name/gugus1234/g' gugus1234/cli.py gugus1234/app.py gugus1234/config.py gugus1234/security.py Run Poetry once poetry shell poetry lock poetry install Admin User let’s create admin user

Kuma - API

i like kuma. simple, flexibel, selfhosted, and open source. one thing i missed is an API for adding / modifing hosted services. now, i found a webapi for kuma and gave a try. pre-condition you have some Maschine with Docker you have traefik running, which can terminate TLS, handle Loadbalancing docker-compose.yml version: '3.3' networks: traefik: external: true volumes: uptime-kuma: api-db: services: kuma: container_name: uptime-kuma image: louislam/uptime-kuma:1.19.6 restart: always volumes: - uptime-kuma:/app/data networks: - traefik labels: - "traefik.

PowerDNS on OpenBSD

Run PowerDNS on OpenBSD I’m mostly happy with NSD as Authoritative Nameserver. But why not look over the fence and have a look at PowerDNS ? At least the API looks promising to me … Install Package doas pkg_add powerdns-- Create Folder, DB and set Permission doas mkdir /var/db/pdns doas sqlite3 /var/db/pdns/pdns.sql < /usr/local/share/doc/pdns/schema.sqlite3.sql doas chown -R _powerdns:wheel /var/db/pdns/ Update Config File /etc/pdns/pdns.conf # DB gsqlite3-database=/var/db/pdns/pdns.sql launch=gsqlite3 setuid=_powerdns # Tuning & Protection max-queue-length=5000 overload-queue-length=2500 # Webserver webserver=yes webserver-address=ip-of-your-nameserver webserver-allow-from=127.