
OpenBSD 7.2

OpenBSD 7.2 finally released.

Yesterday, the 53th Relase of OpenBSD got publised, the [Version 7.2)(https://www.openbsd.org/72.html). I’ll upgrade my boxes as usual with the following Script. The most obvious change is the Performance improvement for the Package Mangager, but there is always so more see undeadly

Upgrade Guide

As usual, follow to official Upgrade Guide. You can Upgrade with an USB Stick, ISO Image, PXE Boot or inline (from a running system).

As with other Versions, i have my own upgrade Script for upgrading all my boxes. Use it at your own risk and test it somewhere before you do this on your productive environment.

OpenBSD 7.2 - Compare

there are a few Weeks until OpenBSD 7.2 will get released. Anyhow, running current is a good way to get a “preview” what’s in the pipeline and will come soon.

one of the painpoint was update packages on OpenBSD. Not because it was difficult, but it took quite a lot of time. Specially, when you run a bunch of machines in different networks.

Version and Time consumption

sysctl kern.version
pkg_info |wc -l
time pkg_add -Vu

OpenBSD 7.1 - Box 1

root@puffy202 RD:0 /bin# sysctl kern.version
kern.version=OpenBSD 7.1 (GENERIC.MP) #3: Sun May 15 10:27:01 MDT 2022

root@puffy202 RD:0 /bin# pkg_info |wc -l

root@puffy202 RD:0 /bin# time pkg_add -Vu

    2m07.46s real     0m14.82s user     0m09.70s system

OpenBSD 7.1 - Box 2

root@puffy203 RD:0 # sysctl kern.version
kern.version=OpenBSD 7.1 (GENERIC.MP) #3: Sun May 15 10:27:01 MDT 2022

root@puffy203 RD:0 # pkg_info |wc -l

root@puffy203 RD:0 # time pkg_add -Vu

    2m17.13s real     0m43.37s user     0m28.07s system

OpenBSD 7.2-Beta - Box 3

root@puffy204-current RD:0 # sysctl kern.version
kern.version=OpenBSD 7.2-beta (GENERIC.MP) #650: Tue Jul 26 08:30:28 MDT 2022

root@puffy204-current RD:0 # pkg_info |wc -l

root@puffy204-current RD:0 # time pkg_add -Vu

    0m09.65s real     0m07.92s user     0m00.31s system

Did you see the difference ?