
HTMX & Nginx

Little Test with HTMX & Nginx recently, i saw the Keynote - “Full-Stack Python” (Andy “Pandy” Knight) and i read an article about html & websockets. So I thought why not give it a try? Preview Requirements the usual stuff: Virtual Machine (here: OpenBSD VM) FQDN Pointing to your Box SSL Cert Webroot on your webserver, create a new webroot wherever you have your pages located. su - webmaster mkdir -p /var/www/virtual/your.


stumpled upon some thing cool, htmlq! It’s like jq, but for HTML. Installation Rust htmlq need rust. so, let’s install rust first. doas pkg_add rust Add Link to Path cat << 'EOF' |doas tee -a /etc/profile # Rust/Cargo export PATH=$PATH:/root/.cargo/bin EOF . /etc/profile Install HTMLQ doas cargo install htmlq some Examples Extract Links curl -s | htmlq --attribute href a |head Example user@nixbox$ curl -s | htmlq --attribute href a |head goals.

Hugo Forms PHP

Wanna add some simple forms and process the Content with PHP ? Add RawHTML Template if not yet done mkdir layouts/shortcodes/ cat << 'EOF' > layouts/shortcodes/rawhtml.html <!-- raw html --> {{.Inner}} EOF Create Script cat << 'EOF' > static/welcome.php <html> <body> Welcome <?php echo $_POST["name"]; ?><br> Your email address is: <?php echo $_POST["email"]; ?> </body> </html> EOF Create new Post and add rawhtml without " " between { and {

HugoIO Templates

Custom Template Stuff mkdir -p layouts/shortcodes cat << 'EOF' > layouts/shortcodes/date.html {{ now.Format "2006-01-02 03:04:05" }} EOF Insert Code in Template current date ? { {< date >} } Result ? current date ?? 2024-07-23 10:00:11 Add RawHTML Create Template cat << 'EOF' > layouts/shortcodes/rawhtml.html <!-- raw html --> {{.Inner}} EOF Add Code { {< rawhtml >} } <p class="speshal-fancy-custom"> This is <strong>raw HTML</strong>, inside Markdown. </p> { {< /rawhtml >} } Result ?