Python - Redirector
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Redirector App
wrote a little redirector app and tought i will explain and share it here. it’s a bit like a url shortener, but you can define the “shortcut” of the URL.
how does it work
it basically consists of a Text File wir Redirection URL’s.
Call it
so, when you open a Browser and Request the URL:, you get redirected to
from flask import Flask, redirect, request
import datetime
import os
import random
# Vars
app = Flask(__name__)
# Load redirection data from a text file
def get_redirections():
redirections = {}
with open(redirect_file,"r") as file:
for line in file:
path, url = line.strip().split(',')
redirections[path] = url
return redirections
# Main
def index():
return 'Hello, World!'
# Redirect to Random URL
def random_path():
redirections = get_redirections()
# Get Random Path
random_url = random.choice(list(redirections.values()))
return redirect(random_url)
# Redirect
def redirect_path(path):
# File Changed ?
redirections = get_redirections()
# Check if the path exists in the redirections dictionary
if path in redirections:
url = redirections[path]
return redirect(url)
# If the path does not exist, return a 404 Not Found error
return 'Not Found', 404
if __name__ == '__main__':
get it running
you need the ususal Stuff
- Linux (of BSD Machine here)
- Public IP with FQDN
- TLS Cert
- Nginx Server
I’m not gonna describe how todo it … there are plenty of examples around.
one thing to mention. the nginx acts as a reverse proxy. get all requests and pass them to the application like this:
location / {
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_buffering off;
run with poetry
poetry run flask --app main run --port=5555
and open your Browser and you should be redirected to the appropriate Domain.
Any Comments ?
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