OpenBSD Bridge

Bridge Interfaces on APU Let’s assume you have an APU2/3/4 and you wanna Bridge some of it’s Interfaces, em0/em1/em2 Create Bridge, add Interfaces cat << 'EOF' > /etc/hostname.bridge0 add vether0 add em0 add em1 add em2 up EOF Create Interfaces echo "up" >> /etc/hostname.em0 echo "up" >> /etc/hostname.em1 echo "up" >> /etc/hostname.em2 Create L3 Interface cat << 'EOF' > /etc/hostname.vether0 inet autoconf inet6 autoconf -temporary -soii up EOF Bring Up all together sh /etc/netstart or do a simpy reload

OpenBSD 7.5

OpenBSD 7.5 finally released The 56th Release of OpenBSD was announced. My Upgrade Script is available here. Highlights added support for various new hardware, numerous performance improvements and of course security enhancements. IPv6 support in ppp(4) see the Post on Undeadly for more Details, or the OpenBSD Page … Script doas su - cd /root ftp{.helpers,} chmod u+x Execute do the Upgrade ./ after the reboot Upgrade Packages just run the Script again


Basic Commands Logging set Level 1..7 fsctl loglevel 7 Any Comments ? sha256: c8bd29c15fa6239c45d9f1c161bf625e6ced9ae690a971b4ead212769dfba55f

PF Basics

Basic Ruleset Full Connectifity v4/v6 allow SSH in from RFC1918 allow all outgoing # Backup cp /etc/pf.conf /etc/pf.conf.bak-$(date "+%s") # Paste new Ruleset cat << 'EOF' > /etc/pf.conf ####################################################################################################################### # # OpenBSD PF Template # ####################################################################################################################### ######################## ### DEFAULT SETTINGS ### ######################## set block-policy drop set limit states 100000 set limit table-entries 1000000 set optimization normal set ruleset-optimization none set skip on { lo0 enc0 } set syncookies adaptive (start 25%, end 12%) ######################## ### MACROS ### ######################## # log block lb = "log" # log pass lp = "log" ######################## ### NORMALIZATION ### ######################## match inet scrub (no-df max-mss 1380) match inet6 scrub (max-mss 1360) ######################## ### Block all / uRPF ### ######################## block log block in log quick from urpf-failed label uRPF ############################ ### DHCP & IPv6 Stuff ### ############################ # Allow DHCP pass $lp quick inet proto udp from any port 68 to 255.

OpenBSD RDomains

Intro Let’s assume you have a Mikrotik Router which got a Mgmt Interface with IP: ‘’ and DHCP Server enabled. You wann Access the Router via HTTP/HTTPS while offering Internet Services for the Mikrotik Router. You have an APU and OpenBSD running. What do you do ? Setup 2 NIC’s em0: dhcp client, default route, rdomain 0 em3: dhcp client, rdomain 3 Interfaces Interface em0 cat << 'EOF' > /etc/hostname.em0 # Public Internet inet autoconf inet6 autoconf EOF Interface em3


Some Commands for Mikrotik NewBees Helpful Links Quick Guide - CCR2004-1G-12S+2XS CCR2004-1G-12S+2XS - User Manual MikroTik wired interface compatibility Copper SFP (not able todo Auto Negotiation) /interface/ethernet/set sfp-sfpplus1 auto-negotiation=no Update Packages /system package update check-for-updates /system package update install reboot Upgrade Firmware /system routerboard print /system routerboard upgrade /system reboot; Reset Config /system/reset-configuration MMM MMM KKK TTTTTTTTTTT KKK MMMM MMMM KKK TTTTTTTTTTT KKK MMM MMMM MMM III KKK KKK RRRRRR OOOOOO TTT III KKK KKK MMM MM MMM III KKKKK RRR RRR OOO OOO TTT III KKKKK MMM MMM III KKK KKK RRRRRR OOO OOO TTT III KKK KKK MMM MMM III KKK KKK RRR RRR OOOOOO TTT III KKK KKK MikroTik RouterOS 7.


use vim ? i’m happy with the following settings … .vimrc cat << 'EOF' > ~/.vimrc " Use 2 spaces for tabs set shiftwidth=2 set tabstop=2 set expandtab set softtabstop=0 set ruler set mouse=r " Disable backup and swap files because they cause more problems than they solve set nobackup set noswapfile " Color syntax on " colorscheme delek " Display line numbers "set number EOF Any Comments ? sha256: 809ddad49fd2f2b3cae0a89099e148c4c8ed6ae56940ac04e1b0f1fe32afc0a1

Cisco - SSH Key Auth

Intro do you wanna login into your cisco switches with ssh & public key. you can build your config easily and copy/paste it to your switch(es). Set & Check Variables pubkey: read from ~/.ssh/ username: root password: will be generated. or set it by hand # get & convert public key pubkey=$(cat ~/.ssh/ |cut -d' ' -f 2 |fold -b -w 72) # Username Switch username=root # Password for User password=$(openssl rand -hex 12) # Full Line echo "username $username privilege 15 password $password" SSH Pubkey Auth Config Snippet # Build Config cat << EOF ############################################ # Copy/Paste to your Cisco Devices - START # ############################################ conf t # Set Version ip ssh version 2 no aaa new-model # Set User username $username privilege 15 password $password # Set Key ip ssh pubkey-chain username $username key-string $pubkey exit exit exit # vty Stuff line vty 0 15 login local transport input ssh end write exit ############################################ # Copy/Paste to your Cisco Devices - END # ############################################ EOF you should test it in a lab environment before running on productiv switches ;)

RSA - Weak Keys

Intro Did you ever try to generate a small RSA Key ? Today, you should go with 3072 oder 4096 Bits, or use ECC. With current Versions of OpenSSL, you can’t generate Key Smaller than 512 Bit. 128 Bit Key import rsa pubkey,privkey = rsa.newkeys(128) print(pubkey.save_pkcs1('PEM').decode('UTF-8')) print(privkey.save_pkcs1('PEM').decode('UTF-8')) 32 Bit Key import rsa pubkey,privkey = rsa.newkeys(32) print(pubkey.save_pkcs1('PEM').decode('UTF-8')) print(privkey.save_pkcs1('PEM').decode('UTF-8')) 16 Bit Key import rsa pubkey,privkey = rsa.newkeys(16) print(pubkey.save_pkcs1('PEM').decode('UTF-8')) print(privkey.save_pkcs1('PEM').decode('UTF-8')) sample with 16Bit RSA Key

Git - Mass Updater

Intro Let’s assume you have a bunch of GIT Repos in a Folder like this: /project1/ /repo1/ /repo2/ /repoN/ and you would like to update all of them ? here a little helper. Loop over all Folders check if ‘.git’ exists if so, do a git pull –all Script Copy/Paste it to your Terminal and you get a executable Script called ‘’. cat << 'EOF' > #!/usr/bin/env bash # Get the current script directory script_dir=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")") # Change into each directory in the script folder for dir in "$script_dir"/*; do if [ -d "$dir" ]; then cd "$dir" || exit 1 if [ -d ".