
Sound Selector MacOS

Sound Selector for MacOS

on MacOS, you can switch the input and output source on “system setting/sound”. i’d like todo this on the cli.


there is a litte tool called switchaudio. it can list, and also set the input/output device. let’s build a small wrapper around.

brew install switchaudio-osx


List Sound Devices

stoege@mac ~ %

1: Externe Kopfhörer
2: Externes Mikrofon
3: Jabra Link 400
4: Mac mini-Lautsprecher
5: SRS-XB33
6: USB Audio Device

Set Sound Device

macos - hdiutil


hdiutil is a command-line utility on macOS that allows users to create, manipulate, and convert disk images. Disk images are virtual disk files that can contain the entire file system structure, including files, folders, and metadata. hdiutil provides a variety of functions related to disk images, and it’s a powerful tool for managing disk-related tasks on a Mac.

Basic Usage


echo -n "geheim" |hdiutil create -encryption -stdinpass -size 10m -volname encdata test.dmg -fs HFS+J

mount ro

echo -n "geheim" |hdiutil mount -stdinpass -readonly test.dmg

mount rw

echo -n "geheim" |hdiutil mount -stdinpass test.dmg

create, strong, mount

echo -n "geheim" |hdiutil create -encryption AES-256 -stdinpass -attach -volname encdata -size 10m test.dmg -fs HFS+J


hdiutil unmount /Volumes/encdata


macos - vnstat


wanna install vnstat on your mac ?


brew install vnstat gsed

and you’ll get the following Message after installation:

==> vnstat
To monitor interfaces other than "en0" edit /opt/homebrew/etc/vnstat.conf

To start vnstat now and restart at startup:
  sudo brew services start vnstat
Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run:
  /opt/homebrew/opt/vnstat/bin/vnstatd --nodaemon --config /opt/homebrew/etc/vnstat.conf

Service Location

Let’s build a directory for the Database

mkdir ~/Library/vnstat


Depending where you’re config files got installed …



Do you like it ? I do …

Install macOS

brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install font-monaspace

Any Comments ?

sha256: 9f088f3023c2e5c26817ccddbfb49ea25dd6f08d0ba3ac6e7ca9038f0d2e2547

Dotnet - Hello World

Running a WebApp in 5min ?

ASP.NET Tutorial - Hello World in 5 minutes

in a Language you never touched before … ? a Microsoft App running on Linux running in Docker running on macOS … ?

Let’ give a try …

Fireup Ubuntu via Docker, do Port Forward

docker run -it -p 5123:5123 --name dotnet-hello ubuntu:latest

add basics

apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade && apt-get -y install wget

add dotnet

wget -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb
dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb && rm packages-microsoft-prod.deb
apt-get update && apt-get install -y dotnet-sdk-7.0
dotnet --version

build webapp

dotnet new webapp -o MyWebApp --no-https -f net7.0

run webapp, change IP & Port

cd MyWebApp
sed -i 's#"applicationUrl".*#"applicationUrl": "",#' Properties/launchSettings.json
dotnet watch

Hello World


doas, an alternative to sudo

Everybody knows sudo … right ? but the openbsd guys hacked a small and secure replacement called doas …

simple, secure and clever

here a good and quick tutorial

An introduction on Vultr, the Source Code on Github and the Man Page

Installation OpenBSD

On OpenBSD, it’s already in the Base System and no need to install anything.

Installation Linux

On Linux, for Example, you have to add the Package