OpenBSD 7.3 - Diskusage

New Proposal for 7.3 there is an request for at least 1.1GB free Storage at the /usr Partition when upgrading your systeme with sysupgrade. so, i have to adapt my settings a bit for new vm’s with at least 25GB Storage. Example with 20GB a 4G / a 1G swap a 1G /tmp a 4G /var a 6G /usr a * /home (ca. 4 GB) Example with 25GB (Vultr) a 4G / a 2G swap a 2G /tmp a 6G /var a 6G /usr a * /home (ca.

OpenBSD - NTopNG

NTOPNG with Self Signed Cert ntopng is a network traffic probe that provides 360° Network visibility, with its ability to gather traffic information from traffic mirrors, Netflow exporters, SNMP devices, Firewall logs, Intrusion Detection systems. package as root pkg_add ntopng Cert To use HTTPS on the built-in web server, create /etc/ssl/ntopng-cert.pem containing both the private key and certificate in the same file and make this readable by the _ntopng user. Use the -W flag to listen on HTTPS.

OpenBSD - Terraform

Terraform OpenBSD & Vultr doas pkg_add git gmake go terraform cat << EOF # Go, $(date) export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin export GOPATH=$(go env GOPATH) EOF mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/; cd $GOPATH/src/ git clone cd $GOPATH/src/ gmake build cat << 'EOF' > terraform { required_providers { vultr = { source = "vultr/vultr" version = "2.12.1" } } } resource "vultr_instance" "web" { count = 2 plan = "vc2-1c-1gb" region = "fra" hostname = "web-${count.

OpenBSD - Rclone

WebDAV Server need a little WebDAV Server ? Selfhosting your Password DB ? pkg pkg_add rclone mkdir -p /rclone/webdav run rclone serve webdav /your/root/folder --addr YOUR_PUBLIC_IP:PORT \ --key /etc/ssl/certs/your.private.key \ --cert /etc/ssl/certs/your.public.cer \ --user someuser \ --pass somepass Browser browse to https://your_public_ip:port user: someuser pass: somepass done ! htpasswd got some Users and wanna put them in the htaccess file ? be carefull as these users all share the same folder !

NextCloud - OpenBSD 7.3

NextCloud on OpenBSD 7.3 some install notes … Powerup Fresh VM Upgrade to 7.3 Beta (7.3 is not yet released) pkg_info nextcloud pkg_info -Q nextcloud -D snap nextcloud-23.0.12p0 nextcloud-24.0.10 nextcloud-25.0.4 nextcloudclient-3.7.4 adding 25.0.4 pkg_add -D snap nextcloud quirks-6.121 signed on 2023-03-21T18:57:42Z Ambiguous: choose package for nextcloud a 0: <None> 1: nextcloud-23.0.12p0 2: nextcloud-24.0.10 3: nextcloud-25.0.4 Your choice: 3 installed: php-8.1 lot of stuff got some readme ... nextcloud-25.0.4:gd-2.3.3: ok nextcloud-25.0.4:php-gd-8.1.16: ok nextcloud-25.


Running a Mailserver on OpenBSD … Source Requirements OpenBSD VM Public IP & FQDN no Portfilter from Hoster root permission Packages pkg_add opensmtpd-extras opensmtpd-filter-rspamd dovecot dovecot-pigeonhole redis rspamd-- opensmtpd-filter-senderscore FQDN export host="hostname" export domain="domain.tld" export fqdn="${host}.${domain}" httpd.conf f="/etc/httpd.conf"; test -f ${f} && cp ${f} "${f}-$(date +'%s')" cat << EOF > ${f} # added $(date) server "${fqdn}" { listen on * port 80 location "/.well-known/acme-challenge/*" { root "/acme" request strip 2 } } EOF chown root:wheel ${f}; chmod 644 ${f} pf.

OpenBSD - Rainloop

Source how to add a nice WebInterface to an existing Mailserver Vars export fqdn="" add pkg PHP Version ? I took 8.1 pkg_add \ curl-- \ php--%8.1 \ php-curl--%8.1 \ php-pdo_sqlite--%8.1 \ php-zip--%8.1 \ pecl81-mcrypt \ unzip-- \ zip-- Cert Assume you already have a TLS Cert, you can skip this one php cd /etc/php-8.1.sample/ cp * /etc/php-8.1/ size sed -i 's/^upload_max_filesize.*/upload_max_filesize = 25M/' /etc/php-8.1.ini sed -i 's/^post_max_size.*/post_max_size = 29M/' /etc/php-8.

OpenBSD - Minio

Inspired Requirements Fresh VM, running OpenBSD 7.2, fully patched Public IP, all Ports allowed FQDN pointing to your IP run all the commands as root (or with ‘doas’ prepending …) add Package as usual with OpenBSD pkg_add minio Extend File Limits we need some more current open files … cat << EOF >> /etc/login.conf # Minio, added $(date) EOF cat << 'EOF' >> /etc/login.conf minio:\ :openfiles-cur=4096:\ :openfiles-max=8192:\ :tc=daemon: EOF # Rebuild capdb cap_mkdb /etc/login.

OpenBSD - Packages

How to Build a Package on OpenBSD Thx for the Initial Support …! Useful Links Setup Build Machine on Current Install OpenBSD Upgrade to Current get SYS & Ports Switch to Port to Update cd /usr/ports/net/scapy Change to 2.5.0 make makesum make update-plist make make test make install make package Add your own PKG Repo export PKG_PATH="" # Check Repo root@host# pkg_info -Q scapy scapy-2.5.0p0 # add Repo root@host# pkg_add -V scapy https://your.

IP over SSH

wanna tunnel IP over SSH ? give a try ? Tested for you with … OpenBSD :) Host1 do the following as root echo "net.inet.ip.forwarding=1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding=1 echo "inet" >> /etc/hostname.tun0 sh /etc/netstart tun0 sed -i '/PermitTunnel .*/PermitTunnel yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config rcctl restart sshd ssh-copy-id root@host2 Host2 do the following as root echo "net.inet.ip.forwarding=1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding=1 echo "inet" >> /etc/hostname.tun0 sh /etc/netstart tun0 sed -i '/PermitTunnel .