
Debian behind TLS Proxy

Behind Corp Proxy

let’s assume you’re behing a Corp Proxy which enforce TLS Inspection, you don’t have the Proxy Cert and you want to Upgrade your Boxes …

… and of course, you do this in the LAB and for Research only and not your Productiv Environment!

TLS Inspection enabled

apt-get upate
W: Failed to fetch  Certificate verification failed: The certificate is NOT trusted.
The certificate issuer is unknown.  Could not handshake: Error in the certificate verification. [IP: xx.xx.xx.xx yyyy]

Disable TLS Check

touch /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99verify-peer.conf
echo >>/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99verify-peer.conf "Acquire { https::Verify-Peer false }"


apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

Any Comments ?

sha256: 40c39ed441b4690a8644cd63bfd2e6987f06a70c4f922eca14de5dcc27d4fb35

Flask JWT - Sample

Flask & JWT

getting your hands dirty with Flask and JWT


with some modifications by myself …


Test under macOS & OpenBSD, Poetry installed and working


build virtual env

export app="app100"
export FLASK_APP="${app}/app"
poetry new ${app}
cd ${app}

set python 3.10

poetry env use $(which python3.10)
gsed -i "s/python = \"^3.*$/python = \"^3.10\"/" pyproject.toml
poetry lock

add packages

wget -4 -O requirements.txt
echo "marshmallow-sqlalchemy" >> requirements.txt
poetry add $(awk -F '==' '!/sha256/{print $1}' requirements.txt |tr '\n' ' ')
wget -4 -O ${app}/
poetry shell

create db