ipv4 & ipv6

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What’s my Public IP[4|6] Address from Cli ?

We all know the Situation when we’re working on some Maschines, locally or through ssh and asking ourself what ip address we get when reach out the internet.

My Dude “m2m” was so kind to wrote a litte Service years ago.

IP Inno CH - just try it out

and you get the anwer, for ipv4 and ipv6 on one page. With IP, PTR, SAS and other information. Without AD, Tracking Cookies and all the other Shit.


and after a reload


and last but not least, you have a cli version which i really like ! And of course, it run’s on BSD, Linux, OSX, … you name it!

user@somehost:~# ./i3
IPv6: 2a0b:f4c0:16c:1::1

big thanks to M2 !

Any Comments ?

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