
Anycast IPv6 - YourSelf

How to Build your own AnyCast Network

you’re using anycast every day. all public resolvers (,, for example are anycast ip’s and hence, many servers distributed around the world which listen and announce the same ip address.

we can build a proof of concept, how to build such a network, for a few $.


AS Number

Anycast heavily depends on BGP. So, you need a own AS Number. I got my for 15 CHF/Year from Securebit.ch. You should also keep in mind that you will not get any IPv4 addresses without buying them for the market. So, your Setup will be based on IPv6 only.

Docker - IPv6

got Docker running with Traefik as ingress Loadbalancer ?

Just enable IPv6 like this.


cat << EOF > /etc/docker/daemon.json
  "ipv6": true,
  "fixed-cidr-v6": "2001:db8:1::/64"

Restart Services

systemctl reload docker

Check Netstat

# netstat -tulpen |grep docker
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      0          15788      977/docker-proxy    
tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN      0          17495      952/docker-proxy    
tcp6       0      0 :::80                   :::*                    LISTEN      0          15791      984/docker-proxy    
tcp6       0      0 :::443                  :::*                    LISTEN      0          15773      963/docker-proxy 

Any Comments ?

sha256: 49c4ced1a834b70c143c7425e72ea72982f07f8d1a3e0a8fce9f08f14d3f7da6

IPv6 Reverse DNS

IPv6 is fun, if you know how to handle it ! As a “sponsor LIR”, i got my own AS and a small /44 IP Space. So, as we all do “forward” DNS with our Domains, i’d like to have Reverse DNS as well. And as i don’t have a legacy IP Range, i like todo it with my v6 Space. Special thanks to Christian for his remote Hands/Tips. Appreciate it!

Regex IPv4 & IPv6

Regex is cool. But have you ever tried to grep IPv4 / IPv6 Adresses from a File or extract from a bunch of data ? Did you use Google Search and found lot of Links, Tip’s and Examples ? And non of them worked well ?

I can highly recommend CyberChef for stuff like that … https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/

Regex from CyberChef

If you wanna use Regex in your own Scripts, here is a little Extract from Cyberchef.

Wireguard with Public IP behind NAT

… or how to host a Dualstacked Public Website behind a IPv4 NAT Box without Reverse Proxy, Portforwarding and other ugly stuff …

inspired by the following Post, i started a little project and redesigned the connectifity for my Hamster’s Webserver :)

i wrote a mail to the guys from tetaneutral.net and asked them for the wireguard vpn service with public ipv4/ipv6 adresses for my server. as i didn’t get any feedback, i had to implement the “Server” on my own.

Smokeping Debian Nginx

Smokeping in 5min, with Dual Stack on Nginx


All in one Installer

Run it at your own risk …

wget https://blog.stoege.net/scripts/smokeping_debian3.sh
chmod 700 smokeping_debian3.sh

or Setup by Hand

Install Packages

apt-get install borgbackup curl echoping fcgiwrap fping hping3 htop lynx mlocate mtr nginx rsync smokeping tmate tree tshark unzip vim vnstat wget zip

Configure Nginx

export MYSITENAME="smokeping.planet.world"
wget "https://github.com/vazhnov/smokeping_nginx/raw/master/best.conf"
sed -i -- s/smokeping\.example\.com/${MYSITENAME}/g best.conf
chown root: best.conf
mv best.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/${MYSITENAME}.conf
ln -s "../sites-available/${MYSITENAME}.conf" "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/${MYSITENAME}.conf"
nginx -t && systemctl restart nginx

Some Smokeping Fixes

mkdir -p /var/run/smokeping

Tune General

cat << 'EOF' > /etc/smokeping/config.d/General
*** General ***

owner    = Franz Musterer
contact  = nospam@nomail.ch
mailhost = smtp-relay-host

# NOTE: do not put the Image Cache below cgi-bin
# since all files under cgi-bin will be executed ... this is not
# good for images.
cgiurl   = http://somekping.planet/smokeping/smokeping.cgi

# specify this to get syslog logging
syslogfacility = local0
# each probe is now run in its own process
# disable this to revert to the old behaviour
# concurrentprobes = no

@include /etc/smokeping/config.d/pathnames

Tune Databases

cat << 'EOF' > /etc/smokeping/config.d/Database
*** Database ***

step     = 60
pings    = 59
#step     = 300
#pings    = 20

# consfn mrhb steps total

AVERAGE  0.5   1  1008
AVERAGE  0.5  12  4320
    MIN  0.5  12  4320
    MAX  0.5  12  4320
AVERAGE  0.5 144   720
    MAX  0.5 144   720
    MIN  0.5 144   720

Tune Probes

cat << 'EOF' > /etc/smokeping/config.d/Probes
*** Probes ***

+ FPing

binary = /usr/bin/fping

+ FPing6
binary = /usr/bin/fping
protocol = 6

+ EchoPingHttp

binary = /usr/bin/echoping
forks = 5
offset = 50%
step = 300

# The following variables can be overridden in each target section
accept_redirects = yes
extraopts =
ignore_cache = yes
ipversion = 4
pings = 5
port = 80
priority = 6
revalidate_data = no
timeout = 20
tos = 0xa0
url = /
waittime = 1


binary = /usr/bin/echoping
forks = 5
offset = 50%
step = 300

# The following variables can be overridden in each target section
accept_redirects = yes
extraopts =
ignore_cache = yes
ipversion = 4
pings = 5
port = 443
priority = 6
prot = 3443
revalidate_data = no
timeout = 20
tos = 0xa0
url = /
waittime = 1


binary = /usr/bin/echoping
forks = 5
offset = 50%
step = 300

# The following variables can be overridden in each target section
dns_request = google.com
dns_tcp = no
dns_type = A
extraopts =
ipversion = 4
pings = 5
plugin = /usr/lib/echoping/dns.so
pluginargs = -p
priority = 6
timeout = 1
tos = 0xa0
waittime = 1

Tune Targets

cat << 'EOF' > /etc/smokeping/config.d/Targets
*** Targets ***

probe = FPing

menu = Top
title = Network Latency Grapher
remark = Welcome to the SmokePing website of xxx Company.          Here you will learn all about the latency of our network.

+ Local
menu = Local
title = Local Network

++ LocalMachine

menu = Local Machine
title = This host
host = localhost

+ Inet
menu = Internet
title = some Hosts on the Net
probe = FPing

++ google
menu = google
title = google,
host =

++ switch
host = www.switch.ch

++ uzh
host = www.uzh.ch

++ blick
host = www.blick.ch

+ IPv4
menu = IPv4 Hosts
title = Hosts running IPv4
probe = FPing

++ multi
menu  = MultiTarget
title = Multiple Targets
host  = /IPv4/host1 \
        /IPv4/host2 \

++ host1
host = host1.planet

++ host2
host = host2.planet

++ host3
host = host3.planet

+ IPv6
menu = IPv6 Hosts
title = Hosts running IPv6
probe = FPing6

++ multi
menu  = MultiTarget
title = Multiple Targets
host  = /IPv6/host1 \
        /IPv6/host2 \

++ host1
host = host1.planet

++ host2
host = host2.planet

++ host3
host = host3.planet

menu = HTTP
title = some HTTP Probes
probe = EchoPingHttp

++ google-com
host = www.google.com

++ uzh
host = www.uzh.ch

Restart Smokeping

systemctl restart smokeping



Smokeping with IPv4 / IPv6

How to install Smokeping on Debian in 5 Minutes

with Dualstack, IPv4 and IPv6


All in one Installer

Run it at your own risk …

wget https://blog.stoege.net/scripts/smokeping_debian2.sh
chmod 700 smokeping_debian2.sh

or Setup by Hand

Set Hostname

root@smokeping:~# cat /etc/hostname

Install Packages

apt-get install apache2 borgbackup curl echoping fping hping3 htop ipcalc jq lftp lynx mlocate mtr nmap pwgen rsync sipcalc smokeping tmate tree tshark unzip vim vnstat wget zip

Enable Smokeping in Apache

cd /etc/apache2/conf-enabled
ln -s ../conf-available/smokeping.conf .

Enable Module CGI

a2enmod cgid
systemctl restart apache2

Some Smokeping Fixes

mkdir -p /var/run/smokeping

Tune General

cat << 'EOF' > /etc/smokeping/config.d/General
*** General ***

owner    = Franz Musterer
contact  = nospam@nomail.ch
mailhost = smtp-relay-host

# NOTE: do not put the Image Cache below cgi-bin
# since all files under cgi-bin will be executed ... this is not
# good for images.
cgiurl   = http://somekping.planet/smokeping/smokeping.cgi

# specify this to get syslog logging
syslogfacility = local0
# each probe is now run in its own process
# disable this to revert to the old behaviour
# concurrentprobes = no

@include /etc/smokeping/config.d/pathnames

Tune Databases

cat << 'EOF' > /etc/smokeping/config.d/Database
*** Database ***

step     = 60
pings    = 59
#step     = 300
#pings    = 20

# consfn mrhb steps total

AVERAGE  0.5   1  1008
AVERAGE  0.5  12  4320
    MIN  0.5  12  4320
    MAX  0.5  12  4320
AVERAGE  0.5 144   720
    MAX  0.5 144   720
    MIN  0.5 144   720

Tune Probes

cat << EOF > /etc/smokeping/config.d/Probes
*** Probes ***

+ FPing

binary = /usr/bin/fping

+ FPing6
binary = /usr/bin/fping
protocol = 6

+ EchoPingHttp

binary = /usr/bin/echoping
forks = 5
offset = 50%
step = 300

# The following variables can be overridden in each target section
accept_redirects = yes
extraopts =
ignore_cache = yes
ipversion = 4
pings = 5
port = 80
priority = 6
revalidate_data = no
timeout = 20
tos = 0xa0
url = /
waittime = 1


binary = /usr/bin/echoping
forks = 5
offset = 50%
step = 300

# The following variables can be overridden in each target section
accept_redirects = yes
extraopts =
ignore_cache = yes
ipversion = 4
pings = 5
port = 443
priority = 6
prot = 3443
revalidate_data = no
timeout = 20
tos = 0xa0
url = /
waittime = 1


binary = /usr/bin/echoping
forks = 5
offset = 50%
step = 300

# The following variables can be overridden in each target section
dns_request = google.com
dns_tcp = no
dns_type = A
extraopts =
ipversion = 4
pings = 5
plugin = /usr/lib/echoping/dns.so
pluginargs = -p
priority = 6
timeout = 1
tos = 0xa0
waittime = 1

Tune Targets

cat << 'EOF' > /etc/smokeping/config.d/Targets
*** Targets ***

probe = FPing

menu = Top
title = Network Latency Grapher
remark = Welcome to the SmokePing website of xxx Company.          Here you will learn all about the latency of our network.

+ Local
menu = Local
title = Local Network

++ LocalMachine

menu = Local Machine
title = This host
host = localhost

+ Inet
menu = Internet
title = some Hosts on the Net
probe = FPing

++ google
menu = google
title = google,
host =

++ switch
host = www.switch.ch

++ uzh
host = www.uzh.ch

++ blick
host = www.blick.ch

+ IPv4
menu = IPv4 Hosts
title = Hosts running IPv4
probe = FPing

++ multi
menu  = MultiTarget
title = Multiple Targets
host  = /IPv4/host1 \
        /IPv4/host2 \

++ host1
host = host1.planet

++ host2
host = host2.planet

++ host3
host = host3.planet

+ IPv6
menu = IPv6 Hosts
title = Hosts running IPv6
probe = FPing6

++ multi
menu  = MultiTarget
title = Multiple Targets
host  = /IPv6/host1 \
        /IPv6/host2 \

++ host1
host = host1.planet

++ host2
host = host2.planet

++ host3
host = host3.planet

menu = HTTP
title = some HTTP Probes
probe = EchoPingHttp

++ google-com
host = www.google.com

++ uzh
host = www.uzh.ch

Restart Smokeping

systemctl restart smokeping





Check GlueRecords

host:~ $ dig +short ch. NS

host:~ $ dig +norec @a.nic.ch. noflow.ch. NS

; <<>> DiG 9.10.6 <<>> +norec @a.nic.ch. noflow.ch. NS
; (2 servers found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 29211
;; flags: qr; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 3, ADDITIONAL: 4

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1232
;noflow.ch. IN  NS

noflow.ch.  3600  IN  NS  ns3.noflow.ch.
noflow.ch.  3600  IN  NS  ns2.noflow.ch.
noflow.ch.  3600  IN  NS  ns1.noflow.ch.

ns3.noflow.ch.  3600  IN  A
ns2.noflow.ch.  3600  IN  A
ns1.noflow.ch.  3600  IN  A

;; Query time: 12 msec
;; SERVER: 2001:620:0:ff::56#53(2001:620:0:ff::56)
;; WHEN: Wed Aug 26 23:09:52 CEST 2020
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 140

you can see, there are three gluerecords with (A) and none with (AAAA). need to talk with my domain hosting provider as i’d like to have AAAA as well …

Tunnel IPv4 over IPv6

let’s do the opposite. you have some ipv6 connectifity and need to transport ipv4

Host A (IPv6 only)

root@hosta ~# ifconfig vio0
        lladdr 56:00:02:e7:9d:e5
        index 1 priority 0 llprio 3
        groups: egress
        media: Ethernet autoselect
        status: active
        inet6 fe80::5400:2ff:fee7:9de5%vio0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
        inet6 2a05:f480:1400:7b6:a9e0:6a15:217:cc5c prefixlen 64 autoconf pltime 604627 vltime 2591827
        inet6 2a05:f480:1400:7b6:446d:acb7:5fe4:450f prefixlen 64 autoconf autoconfprivacy pltime 86046 vltime 172537

root@hosta ~# i3
IPv6: 2a05:f480:1400:7b6:446d:acb7:5fe4:450f

Host B (Ipv6 only)

root@hostb ~# ifconfig vio0
        lladdr 56:00:02:e7:9d:f4
        index 1 priority 0 llprio 3
        groups: egress
        media: Ethernet autoselect
        status: active
        inet6 fe80::5400:2ff:fee7:9df4%vio0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
        inet6 2001:19f0:6801:1e3b:7982:92b4:5c8d:edfb prefixlen 64 autoconf pltime 604403 vltime 2591603
        inet6 2001:19f0:6801:1e3b:e6f:24db:27f7:de37 prefixlen 64 autoconf autoconfprivacy pltime 85502 vltime 171928

root@hostb ~# i3
IPv6: 2001:19f0:6801:1e3b:e6f:24db:27f7:de37

Configure GIF Interfaces

Host A

ifconfig gif0 inet6 tunnel 2a05:f480:1400:7b6:a9e0:6a15:217:cc5c 2001:19f0:6801:1e3b:7982:92b4:5c8d:edfb
ifconfig gif0 inet alias

Host B

ifconfig gif0 inet6 tunnel 2001:19f0:6801:1e3b:7982:92b4:5c8d:edfb 2a05:f480:1400:7b6:a9e0:6a15:217:cc5c
ifconfig gif0 inet alias

or make them persistent

Tunnel IPv6 over IPv4

let’s assume you need ipv6 connectifity somewhere … You can use some Tunnelbrokers or your run OpenBSD on your Boxes and want todo it on your own. Here some hints.

Server with DualStack

you need a Maschine out in the Internet which is DualStacked

stoege@dualstack$ i3
IPv6: 2001:db8:100::100

Host with IPv4 only

stoege@ipv4 host ~# i3

and you want to bring IPv4 to the second host

Configure GIF Interfaces


cat << 'EOF' > /etc/hostname.gif0
# IPv4 Tunnel to Host
inet6 alias 2001:db8::1 128
dest 2001:db8:::2

sh /etc/netstart gif0

IPv4 Host

cat << 'EOF' > /etc/hostname.gif0
# IPv4 Tunnel to Dualstack
inet6 alias 2001:db8::2 128
dest 2001:db8:::1
!route -n add -inet6 default 2001:db8:::1

sh /etc/netstart gif0

Enable IPv4 and IPv6 Forwarding

you know, the sysctl stuff and so ..